Pruebas de nivel para valorar tu rango de Inglés.

Welcome to your LEVEL TEST A1

Tony is looking at ..........

What’s that girl?

Whose flowers are they? “They’re ...........



Where .......... on Saturdays?


Do you like that shop? “Yes, I .......... every week”.

I feel very well because I went to bed very early ..........

My brother was .......... all week.

James ........... to play football tomorrow.

Jack is writing ...........

This is an old photograph of me when I ...........

When we got to school, we ........... the bell.

Did you see the man on top of the church last Saturday? “ No, why ........

This is ........... that

When .......... , give her this book.


........... lovely food!

I’m going to give ..........

How’s the baby? ...........

His daughter is ..........


He has previously had a car but it ........... several times during the spring.

We ........... my cousin since last Christmas.